Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It Seems Like Things Happen To Me!


It Seems Like Things Happen To Me

"Activity Deliberate Creation"

Life Happens From Me - Not To Me

One of my students shared with me that they were driving along the other day and she was side swiped by another car. The car then drove off without stopping. She had done her "Joy Shop" that morning and it certainly seemed to her that things happen to us without her inviting them in. She insisted that she did not ask for a car to side swipe her and take off.

I asked her if she had some thoughts about being in an accident and she didn't think she had. Then I
asked her if she had some fears about things happening to her and she did have some of those fears of
bad things happening to her 'out of the blue'.

It sometimes seems like things happen to us and here is why. When we think about fear something bad happening to us all similar thoughts, circumstances and events begin to rendezvous into our experience. Since fear is the second strongest emotion, she was able to create what she feared, something bad happening to her.

So though she did not call for a side swipe, she did call forth and thus create what she did not want. 
Nothing happen to us, everything happens from us! To ensure you have the thoughts, places, people and circumstances you do want, start thinking and feeling upon "Activity Deliberate Creation" during your day. Here is how this can be easily done to have the things happen in your Life that you do want:

"Activity Deliberate Creation" is where you think, just before you start a new event in your day, about the best possible outcome that you desire. For example, let's say you are walking to your car. You would then pre-pave your drive in the car by saying things such as "As I drive today I will be safe and my drive is smooth and easy." Then as you get out of your car to start your job (hopefully your passion and not just a J.O.B. which is Just Over Broke!) you say to yourself "I am going to have the most productive day and find the best solution for the challenge I have at work (play).

As you lighten up and enjoy creating your "Activity Deliberate Creation" throughout the day and evening you will find that the only 'Out of the Blue' things that happen to you are so much better than you have even asked for. That is why our "Cup shall over floweth" with our good as we think about how we want the events in our day to turn out!

Take care,

Dr. Hank Seitz

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