Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Friend - I love this time of season and to get me into the Christmas Spirit I watch the Charles Dickens' 1981 classic movie "A Christmas Carol" and Ebenezer Scrooge (George C. Scott). His old friend Jacob comes back and shares with Scrooge how Scrooge has built chains of fear and doubt with his attitude of "Bah, Humbug!"

He talks about how each of us are required to have the Spirit within us be freed and to be clear on what our 'business' is here. What is your business here? The dealings of your trade are but a drop of water in the ocean of humanity and the depth of your eternal soul. Today, let your Spirit walk beyond your trade and into the greatness that is you, beyond the narrow limits of your money changing folds and into the well-being and alignment with all that you are! As you thrive so the world thrives as you expand your 'business'...

Mankind is my business. The common welfare is my business. Charity is my business. Mercy is my business. Forbearance is my business. Benevolence is my business. Let us offer hope to ourselves and free ourselves from the chains of fear and doubt and replace them with love and belief. May you look to the good that is within you, to the good with you and to the good that awaits you!  Love, Dr. Hank

Dr. Hank Seitz The Positive Thought Doctor - It is all in your mindset! Guaranteed Measurable Results, Inc.